Welcome to Wyson Financial

“No matter what happens,” my flight instructor would say, “Keep flying the plane.” Life is full of distractions, and it can be difficult for investors to stay focused. As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner, a father of a large family, and a private pilot, I understand focus. At Wyson Financial, we create personalized portfolios for each client. We then stay focused on your investments, allowing you the time to focus on what matters most to you.”

Dan Wyson CFP® Founder

Our Goal

The theme at Wyson Financial is “Peace of Mind.” This is because ultimately, what all investors want is to know that they will be taken care of financially, especially in their retirement years. Peace does not only come from solid investment decisions, but by matching those decisions with the needs and goals of the individual. It also comes from regular contact with our clients so they are always aware of what we are recommending and why. It is our goal that when market turbulence comes, or life’s winds blows, as often happens, our clients can feel the peace of knowing their financial matters are being handled by a team of caring professionals, and they are on track.

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The Wyson Financial Experience

When you work with Wyson Financial you will likely have an experience different than you have had with other firms. You will find a team of individuals who not only care about your investments, but who sincerely care about you and your family. Our goal is to build lifetime, multi-generational relationships with our clients.  Because of this we are not able to accept all who come to us. We believe such a long-term relationship needs to be a good fit, for both parties. During our initial appointments we will be looking to see if we are a good fit for you, and if you are a good fit for us. Because we believe so much in having a professional financial planner relationship, if we find that the fit is not right for any reason, we will be happy to assist you in finding a planner that is a good fit for you.

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Our Proprietary Investing Strategy


Cash: Every family needs cash on hand for immediate and emergency needs. The amount in this pillar is dependent on each individual situation. The main purpose of this pillar is to have cash readily available when you need it, with a secondary focus on rate of return.

Foundation: As every home needs a solid foundation to weather the storms, every portfolio needs a good foundation as well. Foundation investments are longer-term holdings designed to build over the course of your lifetime, with less concern about short-term market movements. These often make up the bulk of your retirement savings.

Opportunity: As economies and markets move and react to world conditions, opportunities to take advantage of these movements are constantly presenting themselves. This pillar is where we take advantage of those shorter-term opportunities. This pillar is not limited to any specific area as most investments have the potential at one time or another to fall into this group. Opportunity investments may include any reasonable holding so long as there is a short-term potential for higher-than-normal profits.

Alternatives: I feel it is important to own investments that are not correlated to the traditional stock and bond markets. Alternatives are investments that move in their own cycles and therefore can have a stabilizing effect on the rest of the portfolio. Alternatives may be designed also to help protect against specific risks, such as inflation or currency movements. Alternatives are individualized to each investor’s situation. Investing in alternative investments may not be suitable for all investors and involves special risks such as risk associated with leveraging the investment, potential adverse market forces, regulatory changes, and potential illiquidity. There is no assurance that the investment objective will be attained.

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The Capstone

Legacy Planning

It is estimated that most inheritances are spent in less than a year.  We have sadly watched as one generation saves and budgets carefully their entire life, only for the next generation to quickly squander the wealth when it falls into their hands. If wasting money was all it amounted to it may not be so bad, but often heirs upgrade their lifestyle with their newfound wealth and then are unable to maintain it once the money is gone. Thus, they find themselves worse off than had they never received an inheritance. We seek to solve this problem by building, where possible, a relationship with the heirs of our clients. We have found that if we can help the younger generation develop good money management practices, they do far better when they receive their inheritance. We also use strategies where needed, in conjunction with estate planning attorneys, to structure accounts so that an inheritance may be paid out over time rather than in a lump sum. There are several methods for creating a legacy plan that will stretch out an inheritance, to assist heirs in gradually becoming accustomed to the money over time rather than receiving a lottery-like payout. Our results in this area have been very rewarding as we have seen more responsible children and heirs receive money from their parents and grandparents that does not get wasted.

Market Update Seminar

Get our take on the current investment markets from one of our CFP® Professionals. These seminars are held regularly, at no cost, and on an RSVP only basis since space is limited. We will discuss current events in the financial markets and how they might affect you and your investments. We will also give our thoughts on where we think economic matters might be heading.

To provide as much value as possible for those in attendance, these seminars are presented in a lecture format with the option to ask questions at the end. There is no selling or marketing at these meetings as they are provided as a service of Wyson Financial for educational purposes only. All are welcome to come and learn together.

We also offer to come to your organization or place of business to teach about financial matters specific to your group. Please reply to the number or email below with your specific requests and we will reach out to you.

Seminar: – Market Update with

  • Dan Wyson CFP

  • Jared Wyson CFP

Wyson Financial Conference Center

Date: TBD- Details coming soon

375 E. Riverside Dr. St. George, Utah

Please RSVP to reserve your seats

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Women and Investing

An article in Forbes magazine in March of 2011 called financial services, “The Industry Women love to Hate.” At Wyson Financial we have made it our goal to change that perception. Women are estimated to control about 2/3rds of the family wealth in our nation and combined with an average lifespan six years longer than men, women are more likely to live alone in their later years.

Under the direction of one of our CFP® professionals, this group meets regularly to learn about financial matters of particular interest to women. We choose topics based on feedback from the group and discuss them in an open and enjoyable format. We invite women of all investing skill levels to join us as we share and learn together. There is no cost for these events so please come and even bring a friend or two, or come alone and make some new friends.

This group discussion is provided for educational purposes only and is kept small by design, so please RSVP with your name and number so we can save a spot for you. No selling or marketing is permitted at these meetings, and no one will contact you beyond a reminder when the date arrives.

Next Meeting – Wyson Financial Conference Center

Date: To Be Determined – Please click button below to get on our list

375 E. Riverside Dr. St. George, Utah

Please RSVP to reserve your seats

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Ongoing Education

We are always learning and always teaching. Our regular seminars, articles, and books  and other educational outreach efforts are designed to keep our clients and friends stay updated on markets, economies, and planning strategies that we feel are valuable and pertinent. We are always happy to meet with anyone in person on the phone, to answer any question. Our Ask a CFP® program accepts calls from anyone on any financial topic at no charge. Whether investing, seeking a second opinion on a loan, or planning for a childs’ education, or any other topic if we do not have the answer we will find it for you. Our goal is to the be financial resource to the community.



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Our Advisor Team

At present, in addition to our back-office analysts and support staff, we utilize three full-time CFP® professionals. Dan Wyson CFP® Jason Wright CFP® and Jared Wyson CFP®. We believe that having the CFP designation is critical to understanding the four main areas of financial planning: Investments, Insurance, Estate and Tax planning. In the case of estate and taxes, since we are not attorneys or CPAs we will refer clients to professionals in these areas as needed.

Our Founder

Our Founder, Dan Wyson CFP®, is a prolific educator in the industry, having written over 800 weekly articles published in papers throughout the country. In addition to his book, 21 Financial Myths, a free copy of which is available simply for the asking, Dan is currently preparing to publish his new book on investing, “Fly the Plane.” Release date in late 2023. Our firm considers ourselves educators first as we believe that good financial decisions come from good information. We don’t expect our clients to be investing experts but we want them to understand the basics of their investments and why we do what we do, at whatever level they feel comfortable with. To that end we hold regular seminars in our St. George office that are purely educational in nature.


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Get in Front of the Herd

If you want to catch an elephant, don’t sneak up behind it and shoot it in the rear with an arrow. Get out in front of it and dig a big hole. Like amateur elephant hunters, too often investors take the bow-and-arrow approach. They are constantly running behind the herd, shooting at them fruitlessly with little arrows. A wise investor carefully and patiently studies the movements of the herd, then gets out in front of it and digs a few nice holes.

At Wyson Financial/Wealth Management our goal is to get you in front of the herd – and keep you there.

Good Planning Begins with Great Relationships

Wyson Financial/Wealth Management

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