Market Storms – A Necessary Cycle

As a new pilot I was taught that all weather on earth is caused by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun. This uneven heating causes moisture to rise and fall and air to move. As this happens, energy from the sun is distributed unevenly around the globe which, at times gets…

Pay Attention to the Little Things

The weather this week has reminded me of a time I took off from El Paso on a hot August day. It was 115 degrees when I climbed into my plane at the little Texas airfield. There was smoke in the air from local fires and the southwest heat wave was in full swing. As…

Keeping it Simple

My grandpa loved inventing contraptions. He was always looking for an easier way to do things. One of his more popular inventions with the neighborhood kids was his ice cream maker. Long before the invention of automated kitchen appliances, making homemade ice cream required turning a hand crank mixer for about 30 minutes. Grandpa would…

How to Join the Millionaire Club

As a teenager I took a summer job in Hawaii. I thought it would be a fun way to make some extra money while enjoying the islands. I had no idea when I signed up how very difficult it would be. My assignment was to plant pineapple. Planting was done by hand with a simple…

A Financial Safety Briefing

I looked around during an airline safety briefing and was amazed at how few people were paying attention. As a pilot in command of an aircraft, I never do anything without carefully briefing the action first. When I fly as a passenger I always stop whatever important thing I am doing before take-off to pay…

Will Your Portfolio Survive the Storm?

Last week I travelled home from a business conference in South Carolina. Shortly before heading to the airport, I received notification that my flight had been cancelled due to a winter storm in Denver. From my experiences as a pilot, I generally don’t book through Denver in the wintertime, but in mid-March during a fairly…

Investors, You Get What You Pay For

My mom loved root beer. Before she passed away a year ago at age 93, she wanted a McDonalds’ hamburger and a root beer. It was about that time that some of the kids and I stumbled upon a website that sold what they called, “Vintage Sodas.” One of the collections they offered was a…

 Are you financially unprepared?

At the age of 7, I decided I wanted to play baseball. I was living in beautiful Yorba Linda, California, and in my town, baseball was life. I was a little nervous as I watched games at the local ballfield because I was one of the smallest kids my age. In fact, in thinking back…