Break the Financial Accident Chain

In our office we have been discussing our biggest concerns for investors in 2024. One of the topics of discussion has been the continuing growth of financial scams. Criminals keep getting more clever and bolder. New technologies are also making it easier for them to fool and scam people. Every year we need to add…

Why is the stock market going up?

The major stock market averages have been climbing recently. Given all the challenges in the world, people keep asking why the market seems so happy. Inflation and interest rates remain stubbornly high while corporate profits, measured by PE ratios, are largely flat — so why all the excitement?  The first thing to understand is that…

We can learn a lot from Trees

In our prior home we had some huge pecan trees in our yard. Pecans are beautiful trees during the summer, but when they drop their leaves in the fall they look like they have died. Throughout the winter they make the yard appear quite gloomy. One day as I wandered about the pile of leaves…

Can You Fly the Plane?

At a recent convention our company set up a booth and in it we displayed an FAA certified flight simulator. We invited visitors to take a turn at flying a mock landing, challenging them with the question, “Can you Fly the Plane?” Our booth attracted a lot of attention as many people tried, though relatively…

Pay Attention to the Little Things

Dana Point is a beautiful place for a vacation, but I wasn’t there for the beach. It was just one of many due diligence trips I take as I research investment options for my clients.  You can learn a great deal about a company if you spend time face to face with the principals. On…

Beware of the 30-Second-Expert 

When someone learns that the person they just met is a doctor, it is not uncommon for them to roll up their sleeve and say, “Well hey doc, since you’re here can you take a quick look at this thing?” All doctors reading this know exactly what I’m talking about. As a financial advisor I…

If It Doesn’t Work – Stop Doing It 

I was being entertained one day watching my daughter’s dog “Drax” play fetch with a grandchild. He was repeatedly retrieving a red ball until one toss bounced it straight into the swimming pool. Without hesitation, Drax leapt into the pool as he often does, although this time he was confused by a complication. Unlike the…

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace You? 

Nearly 600 years ago Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press and in so doing, sent thousands of hard-working scribes to the unemployment line. This was not the first or the last time new technology would replace human laborers.  Today, massive John Deere tractors do the work formerly done by hundreds of farm workers, and they…